Fauna towers
A family of three new towers responds to three existing church towers. Recognizable, with a reference to a rich past. Playful, with a different perspective from every angle. Reflecting in the water, they are clearly visible but not accessible to humans. What could actually happen there? Three follies, delightful objects as found at estates of the Romantic age, give us something to look at, to talk about and to wonder about. A historic site offers a view of a new future.

Three characteristic towers of Bedum are visible from afar. The increasingly leaning tower of the Walfridus church has been here for many centuries. Together with the newer towers of the catholic and protestant churches, they form a highly recognizable trio in the landscape. In the town center too, a tower pops into view at every corner.
The view of this historic skyline of church towers will improve after the demolition of the old apartments and the shop on Kerkplein, especially from the location where an orchard used to make the transition between city and surroundings. The pond of Bederawalda will be connected to the town square in the renewed center. Passers-by at De Vlijt will be offered a view of a place that has been somewhat lost.
This offers opportunities: there might be room here for a nature-inclusive city, where other species co-exist with humans. Typical residents such as common pipistrelles, house sparrows and starlings who are losing more and more of their habitat in modern cities can house here. A place of rest for humans becomes full of activity for other species, who hunt insects above the water and in the reed collars, breed and charge energy during the day for their night-time courtship.
How does it work?

Nesting area for house sparrows, starlings and swifts, hiding places for fish and bat housing