Roadmap for an integrated approach to urban challenges by the City Deal Public Space There is a place where the public space invites walking, cycling, and meeting. Full-grown city trees and lush vegetation of plants and flowers provide shelter to people, animals, and insects. Rainwater is collected in wet periods under streets and squares so […]
Post Type Archives: Projects
Almere Pampus
Design research for a Master Plan for sup- and subsurface for Almere Pampus Almere is on the eve of the development of the last large district from the IJsselmeerpolders Structural Plan from 1961: Pampus. With the development of Almere Pampus, the city gets a long-awaited waterfront at the IJmeer. With space for twenty-five to thirty-five […]
Grid congestion has rapidly developed into a major obstruction for urban developments. A team of energy specialists from DEP and urban planners and architects from Bright, Urban Synergy and Generation.Energy was commissioned by Alliander to find a solution: the Balanswijk – a balanced neighborhood. Completely self-sufficient, without connection to the grid – this far-reaching premise […]
Circular working landscapes of the future
In 2050 our economy will be completely circular. And it should. The current extractive economy depletes the earth’s resources, pollutes our atmosphere and delivers prosperity for fewer and fewer people. The necessity for a circular economy is felt more and more. But can we imagine what a circular economy looks like in 2050? How do […]
Bowling Buikslotermeerplein
Bowling BuikslotermeerpleinThe development of community-owned cultural real estate in Amsterdam Noord In November 2021, the municipality of Amsterdam presented Project Note Buikslotermeerplein. The shopping center dates from the early seventies and is due for a thorough redevelopment. Recent connectivity through the northernmost stop of the Amsterdam North/South line and the addition of residential, working, and […]
South Holland Fifty Fifty
Can we develop spatial scenarios for the future of the province of South Holland based on insights derived from historical changes in land use? In close collaboration with Vereniging Deltametropool and government planners from the South Holland province we looked back fifty years in time. We analyzed the correlation between specific spatial conditions and changes […]
Night lab
Night Lab is an initiative of Studio Monnik to raise awareness about the vanished darkness over urban areas and the over-illumination of our cities. We looked at the dark city with a diverse team of designers and researchers. A city without light pollution, where the rhythms of our planet are not denied but embraced, and […]
Fauna towers
A family of three new towers responds to three existing church towers. Recognizable, with a reference to a rich past. Playful, with a different perspective from every angle. Reflecting in the water, they are clearly visible but not accessible to humans. What could actually happen there? Three follies, delightful objects as found at estates of […]
Memories of the future
“An imaginative leap into the future”, that’s the description that Peter Schwartz gives for a scenario. It’s a powerful and conceivable picture of the future. Not a prediction from a crystal ball, but an exploratory story enriching the current state of affairs and inevitable trends with a development of factors that are still uncertain for […]
Black boxes
The way we deal with food has a major impact on the space that surrounds us. In recent years, the picturesque countryside and the urban market have lost their meaning. They have been out-scaled by a new industrial landscape of black boxes. What happens in these boxes? We buy our food in restaurants and at […]
Climate proof Combinations
We need to adapt our neighbourhoods to minimise the impact of climate change. But to create truly future proof neighbourhoods a lot more urgencies need to dealt these combinations improve the quality of life for the residents of these neighbourhoods? Through research by design we developed ten spatial strategies for combining different interventions. We tested […]
Ministery of Food
We live in a fascinating ‘food age’. There are huge developments in terms of new foods: Innovations in how we have food delivered to us as well as cultural factors have an incredibly large impact on our food industry. We’re on the eve of a crucial turning point. How far will these developments ultimately go, […]
Polaroid Performance Factory
How do you bring new life to an old factory site? In 2008, housing association Domijn purchased the five-hectare Polaroid site on the edge of Enschede’s city center. Full demolition and new construction with apartments was intended, but investment opportunities were limited due to the financial crisis. Our team developed a strategy to improve the […]
Shifting gears
Production and consumption of energy have grown far apart, both literally and figuratively. As a result, most citizens and companies do not feel an urgency to contribute to the energy transition. Nevertheless, there are inspiring initiatives from residents, companies and governments in the Stedendriehoek. The total size of these initiatives is still too limited to […]
Willem II Passage
Can technology, a sense of security and an atmosphere reinforce each other in an architectural design? For a new connection between the center and the railway zone in Tilburg, The Cloud Collective designed a sequence of spaces where the city, traffic node, rail passage and vacant industrial heritage merge seamlessly. Technology does not play the […]
The city and the country
The city and the country: it’s all fun and games until… For the first time in history, over half the world’s population lives in urban areas. The Dutch countryside, however, is rapidly developing as well. The city and the country are closely related and cannot be considered separately. Visitors of the exhibition “The City and […]
Energetic Eerbeek
In the paper village of Eerbeek we see opportunities for a modern energy landscape. A new interpretation of heritage gives rise to a widely shared story about the meaning of energy. New energy in an age-old landscape The village of Eerbeek has two faces. The first one is already visible from afar: Three plumes of […]
Piushaven Pavilion
The Piushaven pavilion revives Tilburg’s old harbor pier. An impressive steel construction houses a new restaurant while adding a high-quality public space to the city. The robust pavilion creates a clear beacon for passers-by. Raised public space This important location in the city accommodates a combination of a public and private spaces. A restaurant shares […]
Bat House Teesinkbos
Due to the construction of the N18, the Twenteroute, the bats’ current habitat has been demolished. A few hundred meters away, the Teesinkbos with its combination of open and closed forest, open water and Teesinkbeek provides a food-rich environment. From their new residence, the bats can hunt for insects along the forest edge and above […]
Stroom Westerschelde
Zeeland is ready for a new century. A century that will bring challenges we can only solve by bringing together nature, energy and human use. Stroom is a proposal to connect the production of sustainable energy to necessary climate adaptation. The Westerschelde estuary is dealing with rising sea levels and increasing tidal range. This threatens […]